I’m not a huge fan of utilizing treats for canine training. treats motivate begging as well as obsessive behavior, as well as treats make some dogs as well excited.
I’m all for positive reinforcement as well as utilize a great deal of treats when mentor a new concept, however other than that I expect my canine to listen regardless of whether I have a treat or not.
It annoys me when some dogs will not obey a command unless they believe they will get a food reward. This is the owner’s fault, of course.
Like many dogs, my mutt Ace likewise responds much better if he believes he may get a treat. The technique is to make him believe there’s always a possibility he’ll get a treat. great thing Ace is not great at math as well as won’t comprehend he’s getting a treat about five percent of the time!
Ace responds much better to my commands when I set aside time to do actual training sessions compared to randomly telling him to do things throughout the day. This might be since during these “training sessions” I am much more likely to utilize treats.
For example, when Ace as well as I are at obedience class as well as practicing recalls, he comes running enthusiastically each time I phone call him. It’s not since I’m a much better fitness instructor than the other canine owners. It’s since I have a food hound.
Another reason my canine is much more focused as well as obedient during training sessions is since when we train, he understands I imply business. Plus, Ace likes to work as well as he likes having my full attention. Whether or not we utilize treats, training is fun! as well as that’s exactly how it ought to be.
If canine fitness instructors (and by that I imply canine owners) can agree on one thing, it’s that treats ought to be utilized at least from time to time as positive reinforcement.
My belief is that when a canine comprehends a command, treats ought to be provided randomly however seldom – perhaps twice per training session.
For young dogs, dogs that are still discovering or dogs with short interest spans, treats ought to be provided much more often.
Be cautious though, since it is possible to inadvertently instruct a canine not to pay interest unless there is food. Dogs comprehend patterns as well as repetitions, so if you repeat something commonly enough, the canine will believe this is what he’s expected to do.
For example, if you pull out a treat each time your canine barks, looks away or starts to go after one more dog, he may believe you are gratifying him for the behavior. To avoid this, keep treats on hand as well as reward your canine randomly when he is paying interest without being asked.
Positive reinforcement canine training
Since Ace responds so well when we are in “working mode,” one of my goals is to get him to respond just also when I randomly tell him to do something throughout the day. That implies I’m going to have to utilize much more treats – randomly of course. ?
I will reward Ace when he’s doing something I like – perhaps for coming when called, heeling perfectly, lying down calmly, making eye contact, etc.
The second part of my goal is to reward with food only when my canine is calm. It’s so simple for canine owners to do the opposite. As humans, we believe it’s adorable when our dogs are begging, jumping up as well as down or climbing into our laps.
We likewise have a tendency to release our dogs, get them thrilled as well as then provide them a treat. It’s much better to provide the canine a treat while he’s still lying down as well as calm. then release him.
My mutt will always be one of those dogs that quickly slips into an obsessive specify of mind when it concerns food or retrieving. That is the primary reason I want to work on gratifying him only when he’s relaxed.
Relaxed does not just imply lying down.
A unwinded canine is not stiff, leaning forward, tense, staring or panting. A unwinded canine is not prepared to break from stay in a split second.
If I am holding a tennis ball, Ace will be so thrilled as well as consumed that although for the most part he responds to my commands, he will do so while staying stiff, constantly smacking his lips as well as trembling. This is not typical as well as ought to not be rewarded!
If you look at the picture of Ace above, he is really unwinded there. He is making eye contact, however not staring obsessively. His ears are back, as well as his body is back as well as relaxed, not leaning forward. great boy!
Using toys as a reward during canine training
Another method to reward my canine is with a tennis sphere – the supreme reward in Ace’s little mind.
Something I’d like to do much more with him is to method random obedience while a sphere is in sight. TKlobouk, když je klidný, mohu využít kouli jako odměnu. Nemusím ani házet míč. Každý desátý příkaz může být: „Získejte míč.“
Pro eso je slyšení této věty mnohem lepší odměnou než kousky trhaného. Jdi zjistit.
Fráze „Get the Ball“ je splněna „kapkou“ a pak „nechte ji“, když jdeme o pár stop od té doby, abychom pokračovali v práci na jiných příkazech a ignorovali míč.
Pokud je váš pes posedlý jídlem, metoda je eso s tenisovým míčem, můžete zkusit procvičit některé příkazy, zatímco na zemi je jídlo, takže váš ps musí ignorovat jídlo. Použijte vodítko pro další spravu podle potřeby.
Musím být opatrný, když využívám výhody jídla nebo hraček se svým psem, protože ho mohou rychle dostat i nadšení. Samotný trénink by měl být odměnou. Jídlo i hračky jsou jen kousky doplňky pro obzvláště velké chování.
Pro trénink rád využívám měkké trhané pochoutky, které lze rozdělit na opravdu malé kousky. Pro další občerstvení nebo odměny poskytuji své domácí domácí, přírodní psí lahůdky, protože jsou zdravé.
Využíváte při tréninku svého psa hodně dobrot? Jaké návrhy máte pro potěšující klidné chování?